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Team Cymru Scout App For Splunk

The Team Cymru Scout App For Splunk: Accelerate investigations and IR with IP and domain intelligence dashboards inside of Splunk: Tags and Insights, Open Ports, PDNS, X509 Certificate details, Fingerprints, WhoIs Information, Communication timelines.

Team Cymru Scout App For Splunk


The Team Cymru Scout App For Splunk pulls Indicators from the Team Cymru Scout platform. The integration does correlation and provides dashboards for visualization.



  • Splunk version: 9.2.x, 9.1.x,9.0.x
  • Python version: Python3
  • OS Support: Independent
  • Browser Support: Independent



Version 1.0.1

  • Updated Logos
  • Minor Bug Fixes

Version 1.0.0

  • Added data collection for Team Cymru Scout Indicators.
  • Added field-based correlation feature to find sightings in Splunk events.
  • Added Indicators Overview, Correlation Overview, Account Usage and Live Investigation Dashboards.


Team Cymru Scout App For Splunk can be installed through UI as shown below. Alternatively, .tar or .spl file can also be extracted directly into $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/folder.

  1. Log in to Splunk Web and navigate to Apps > Manage Apps.
  2. Click Install app from file.
  3. Click Choose file and select the Team Cymru Scout App For Splunk App installation file.
  4. Click on Upload.
  5. Restart Splunk if prompted.


This App can be set up in two ways:

  1. Standalone Mode
    • Install the Team Cymru Scout App For Splunk App.
    • Follow all the steps mentioned in App Setup section to configure the App.
  2. Distributed Environment
    • Install the Team Cymru Scout App For Splunk App on the Search Head and Heavy Forwarder.
    • Follow the steps #1, #2 , #3 and #4 from App Setup section on Heavy Forwarder.
    • Follow the step #5 from App Setup section on Search Head.
    • In case of Search Head Clustering, make sure that steps #4 and #5 from App Setupare configured only on single search head. In such cases, the configuration will not be visible on other search heads. This is recommended approach.
    • Follow the step #5 from App Setup section on Search Head. Following these steps will replicate the configuration on all search heads.
  3. Cloud Environment
    • Install the Team Cymru Scout App For Splunk on Searchhead.
    • Install the Team Cymru Scout App For Splunk on IDM instance and configure it. (For the IDM instance Splunk support team will help) Or Setup the Team Cymru Scout App For Splunk on the On-Premise Heavy Forwarder.


Configure Team Cymru Scout App For Splunk

App Setup

  1. Configure the account from which the data needs to be collected. Detailed steps and information for Account Configuration can be found in Account section.
  2. Users can also configure settings corresponding to the Proxy or Logging in their respective sections.
  3. Configure the settings related to Splunk KVStore and Correlation in KV Lookup Rest and Correlation Settings section respectively.
  4. After the configuration of KV Lookup Rest and Correlation Settings, users can configure the inputs by specifying the required parameters.
  5. Configure the settings related to correlation searches and lookups in Correlation Settings section.

NOTE : There might be some delay for the dashboards to populate, as these dashboards are based on savedsearches.


To configure the Account,

  1. Navigate to the Configuration.
  2. Provide your Team Cymru Scout App Platform address, credentials and click on Add.
Team Cymru Scout App Account parameters Mandatory or Optional Description
Account name Mandatory Enter a unique name for this account.
Authentication Type Mandatory Select the type of Authentication. Available options are Basic Auth and Api Key
Username Mandatory (Basic Auth) Enter the username for this account.
Password Mandatory (Basic Auth) Enter the password for this account.
API Key Mandatory (Api Key) Enter the API Key for this account.


To configure the Proxy,

  1. Navigate to the Configuration.
  2. Click on the Proxy tab.
  3. Provide your Proxy credential and Click on Save.
Proxy Parameters Mandatory or Optional Description
Enable Optional To enable the proxy
Proxy Type Optional Type of the Proxy. Available options are http and socks5. Default is http.
Host Optional Host or IP of the proxy server
Port Optional Port for proxy server
Username Optional Username of the proxy server
Password Optional Password of the proxy server


To configure the Logging,

  1. Navigate to the Configuration.
  2. Click on the Logging tab.
  3. Select the log level from the dropdown and click on Save. By default the log level is set to 'INFO'.

KV Lookup Rest

To configure the Splunk KVStore,

  1. Navigate to the Configuration.
  2. Click on the KV Lookup Rest tab.
  3. Provide the required values and click on Save.
KVStore Parameters Mandatory or Optional Description
Collection Type Mandatory Select mode to create lookups. (Defult: Index)
Indicator Indices Mandatory (index) Master lookup for indicators will be updated based on the indicators data in the selected indices.
Splunk Rest Host URL Mandatory (lookup) Enter the Splunk rest host or localhost (without http(s) scheme) to collect data.(Default: localhost)
Port Mandatory (lookup) Enter the management port of the Splunk.(Default: 8089)
Splunk Username Mandatory (lookup) Not required if Splunk Rest Host URL is localhost or Configured user should have at least power role capabilities
Splunk Password Mandatory (lookup) Enter the password for Splunk account. No need to provide a Password if Splunk Rest Host URL is localhost or

NOTE : If using Cluster environment then make sure that all fields are configured and splunkd port 8089 of Splunk Management is open for storing lookups.

Correlation Settings

To configure the Correlation Settings,

  1. Navigate to the Configuration.
  2. Click on the Correlation Settings tab.
  3. Provide the required values and click on Save.
Correlation Parameters Mandatory or Optional Description
Enabled Indicator Types Optional Select the indicator types you want to enable correlation for. Available options are Domain and IP.
Search Matching Algorithm Optional Select the method for correlating indicators. Available options are Raw search and Datamodel Search
Select Datamodels Optional Select the data models from the list
IP: Target Query Optional Splunk query to get events from target events for correlation with IP Indicators
IP: Target Fields Optional Comma separated list of fields from target events to be used in correlation
Domain: Target Query Optional Splunk query to get events for correlation with Domain Indicators
Domain: Target Fields Optional Comma separated list of fields to be used in correlation

Upload Indicators

To configure the Upload Indicators,

  1. Navigate to the Upload Indicators.
  2. Provide the required values and click on Save.
Input Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description
File to upload the indicators Mandatory Select a csv file to upload the indicators
File Overwrite Optional Check this checkbox to overwrite the existing IP/Domain indicators. By default the indicators will be appended to the existing ones
API Type Mandatory Select the type of API to collect initially selected Foundation
Team Cymru Scout Account Mandatory Select the Team Cymru Scout Account for which you want to collect data.
Interval Mandatory Time interval of input in seconds. Default=86400
Index Optional Select the index in which data should be collected. Only required if "Collection Type" is set to "Index".


To configure the Inputs,

  1. Navigate to the Inputs.
  2. Click on Create New Input.
  3. Provide the required information related to input and click on Add to configure the input.
Input Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description
Name Mandatory A name to uniquely identify the input
Interval Mandatory Time interval of input in seconds. Default=86400
Index Mandatory Select the index in which data should be collected. Only required if "Collection Type" is set to "Index".
Team Cymru Scout Account Mandatory Select the Team Cymru Scout Account for which you want to collect data.
API Type Mandatory Select the type of API to collect
Indicator Types Mandatory Select the type of indicators to collect.
Indicators Mandatory Enter the comma seperated indicators.


  • team_cymru_indicators_foundation_ip: This lookup contains foundation data for IP .
  • team_cymru_indicators_details_ip: This lookup contains details data for IP.
  • team_cymru_indicators_details_domain: This lookup contains details data for Domain .
  • team_cymru_matched_indicators_domain: This lookup contains the matched indicator data for Domain.
  • team_cymru_matched_indicators_ip: This lookup contains the matched indicator data for IP.

User can check data in lookup by running following SPL query in Splunk search: | inputlookup <NAME OF LOOKUP>


This application contains the following saved searches:

  • update_team_cymru_foundation_ip_indicator_master_lookup - Update Foundation IP Indicators from index to team_cymru_indicators_foundation_ip
  • update_team_cymru_details_ip_indicator_master_lookup -Update Details IP Indicators from index to team_cymru_indicators_details_ip
  • update_team_cymru_details_domain_indicator_master_lookup - Update Details Domain Indicators from index to team_cymru_indicators_details_domain .
  • team_cymru_correlate_Domains_indicators -Match Indicators of type Domains from the master_lookup against Splunk events .
  • team_cymru_correlate_<Indicators>_indicators - Match Indicators of type IPs from the master_lookup against Splunk events.
  • team_cymru_correlate_<Indicators>indicators<datamodels> - Match indicators from the indicators master_lookup against datamodels events.
  • Delete Older IPs from team_cymru_matched_indicators_ip and team_cymru_indicators_foundation_ip - IPs older than specified time will be deleted from team_cymru_indicators_foundation_ip and team_cymru_matched_indicators_ip lookups.
  • Delete Older IPs from team_cymru_matched_indicators_ip and team_cymru_indicators_details_ip - IPs older than specified time will be deleted from team_cymru_indicators_details_ip and team_cymru_matched_indicators_ip lookups.
  • Delete Older Domains from team_cymru_matched_indicators_domain and team_cymru_indicators_details_domain - Domains older than specified time will be deleted from team_cymru_indicators_details_domain and team_cymru_matched_indicators_domain lookups.

Custom Commands

This application contains the following custom commands:

  • teamcymrumatchindicators

    • Description : This command performs the correlation between Team Cymru indicator and provided Splunk events.
    • Parameters :
      • indicator_type : The type of indicator to be matched
  • teamcymruaccountusage

    • Description : Provide details on query usage, including remaining API calls and the API limit already utilized of the cymru account.
  • teamcymruscoutsectionsearch

    • Description : This command is useful to get live investigation dashboard data.
  • teamcymruscoutsearch

    • Description : This command is useful to get live investigation dashboard data.

Alert Actions

This application contains the following alert actions:

  • team_cymru_indicators_monitors
    • Description : To monitor indicators from given search with Team Cymru Scout.
    • Parameters :
      • field_name: Name of field to be used for monitoring indicators.
      • index: Select the index in which data should be collected.
      • global_account: Select the Team Cymru Scout account for which you want to collect data.
      • api_type: Select the type of API to collect.


  • To see ingested data for Team Cymru Scout App For Splunk, select the Search tab. Search `team_cymru_indicator_indices` sourcetype=*team_cymru_*.


General Checks

  • To troubleshoot Team Cymru Scout App For Splunk, check $SPLUNK_HOME/var/log/Splunk/ta_team_cymru_scout*.log or user can search index="_internal" source=*ta_team_cymru_scout_*.log* query to see all the logs in UI. Also, user can use index="_internal" source=*ta_team_cymru_scout*.log* ERROR query to see ERROR logs in the Splunk UI.
  • Note that all log files of this App will be generated in $SPLUNK_HOME/var/log/Splunk/ directory.
  • If you are facing a problem related to ip address, domain, or foundation ip address then check lookups team_cymru_indicators_details_ip, team_cymru_indicators_details_domain and team_cymru_indicators_foundation_ip respectively.
  • App icons are not showing up: The App does not require restart after the installation in order for all functionalities to work. However, the icons will be visible after one Splunk restart post installation.

Data Collection

  • If data collection is not working then ensure that the internet is active (On a proxy machine, if proxy is enabled) and also ensure that the kvstore is enabled.
  • Check ta_team_cymru_scout*.log* file for Team Cymru Scout App For Splunk data collection for any relevant error messages.


  • Note that correlation is field based and it will only match to those Splunk events having value exactly same as Indicator value.
  • Check ta_team_cymru_scout_correlation_command.log file for further analysis.

Master Lookup

  • If it seems that all the data of indicators from the Splunk index is not available in team_cymru_indicators_<indicator_type> lookup, then execute the savedsearch update_TeamCymruScoutAppForSplunk_<indicator_type>_indicator_master_lookup manually over a larger time range to refill the lookup.

Custom Commands

  • teamcymrumatchindicators
    • Check that indices of the collected Indicators data are stored in Indicator Indices parameter of correlation settings.
    • Check that team_cymru_matched_indicators_<indicator_type> lookup is not empty and also ensure that team_cymru_correlate_<indicator_type> savedsearch is enabled.
    • Check ta_team_cymru_scout_correlation_command.log file for further analysis.
  • teamcymruaccountusage
    • Check ta_team_cymru_scout_enrichment_command.log file for further analysis.
  • teamcymruscoutsectionsearch
    • Check ta_team_cymru_scout_section_search_command.log file for further analysis.
  • teamcymruscoutsearch
    • Check ta_team_cymru_scout_search_command.log file for further analysis.


  • Panel not populating:

    1. Live Investigation Dashboard:
      • Check ta_team_cymru_scout_search_command.log file for further analysis.
      • Check ta_team_cymru_scout_section_search_command.log file for further analysis.
    2. Correlation Overview Dashboard:
      • If the data is not populated in the above listed panels, then ensure that Indicator data is collected in Splunk and the team_cymru_matched_indicators_<indicator_type> lookup is filled with the latest data.
      • Also please ensure that savedsearches team_cymru_correlate_IPs_indicators_<indicator_type> savedsearches are enabled.
      • If dashboard panels are not populating data, it is possible that App's Saved Searches have not yet encountered newly ingested data on their previous execution. Please check Next Schedule Time in Settings -> Searches, reports and alerts. Most likely the panels will be populated once all saved searches complete their next execution.
      • In Matched Indicators Details panel there is column Live investigation if you click on Live investigation cell it will redirect to Live investigation dashboard with the indicator of that row.
      • In Matched Indicators Details panel there is column Local investigation if you click on Local investigation cell it will redirect to Search page with its ip and index.
    3. Indicators Overview Dashboard:
      • If the data is not populated in the above listed panels, then ensure that Indicator data is collected in Splunk and the team_cymru_indicators_details_domain or team_cymru_indicators_details_ip or team_cymru_indicators_foundation_ip lookup is filled with the latest data.
      • Also please ensure that savedsearches update_TeamCymruScoutAppForSplunk_<indicator_type>_indicator_master_lookup savedsearches are enabled.
      • If dashboard panels are not populating data, it is possible that App's Saved Searches have not yet encountered newly ingested data on their previous execution. Please check Next Schedule Time in Settings -> Searches, reports and alerts. Most likely the panels will be populated once all saved searches complete their next execution.
    4. Account Usage Dashboard:
      • If dashboard panels are not populating data, it is possible that App's Saved Searches have not yet encountered newly ingested data on their previous execution. Please check Next Schedule Time in Settings -> Searches, reports and alerts. Most likely the panels will be populated once all saved searches complete their next execution.


  • Remove $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/TeamCymruScoutAppForSplunk
  • Remove $SPLUNK_HOME/var/log/Splunk/ta_team_cymru_scout.log*.
  • To reflect the cleanup changes in UI, Restart Splunk Enterprise instance


Copyright © Pure Signal Scout ™ 2007-2024. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

Version 1.0.1
June 13, 2024
  • Updated Logos
  • Minor Bug Fixes
Version 1.0.0
May 3, 2024
  • Added data collection for Team Cymru Scout Indicators.
  • Added field-based correlation feature to find sightings in Splunk events.
  • Added Indicators Overview, Correlation Overview, Account Usage and Live Investigation Dashboards.

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