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Downloading Technical Add-On for Zimbra Zextras v8 OSE
SHA256 checksum (technical-add-on-for-zimbra-zextras-v8-ose_006.tgz) 73413521827580511f999516fe674861bc0e2cf924cec024950079b51423979c SHA256 checksum (technical-add-on-for-zimbra-zextras-v8-ose_005a.tgz) d2d524290551802af185881016c65123b284320920030574a72d14f6ee4cf79d SHA256 checksum (technical-add-on-for-zimbra-zextras-v8-ose_005.tgz) a0eeaccbf0835fa48ff024c1a2373b052d965703ac5176e83458e7bdd3776bc7 SHA256 checksum (technical-add-on-for-zimbra-zextras-v8-ose_004.tgz) 527d6615a9d006fd178e0c26aa22035a9e41ff0a800113475c8f661d66c61ec8 SHA256 checksum (technical-add-on-for-zimbra-zextras-v8-ose_003.tgz) e79431a9e83dec570d3594a7cd5c9ff45ef40db587df413d3737d1d1c7e89513 SHA256 checksum (technical-add-on-for-zimbra-zextras-v8-ose_002.tgz) 3f87906c2836acbe9f20e6b0284b0039cf84637f625ebc90f3692f2a2cafcdc6
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Technical Add-On for Zimbra Zextras v8 OSE

With this add-on you can collect zimbra-zextras logs, looking for many extracted or indicized fields and query your Zimbra server for info about accounts.

Best used in conjunction with "Splunk for Zimbra Zextras" app.

Unfortunately this app is no longer maintained. You can go on the source in the github site and fork the project to continue the development.

This project has inspired by the work of Simon Richardson, the add-on TA Zimbra.

We collect many zimbra mailbox and MTA log, we extract and indicize fields.
We provide SOAP API interface to Zimbra server.

With this add-on you can see many useful fields abount management operations and user activity for mailbox, EAS, authentication, SMTP.

Best used in combination with Splunk for Zimbra with Zextras.

Source code here.

Unfortunately this app is no longer maintained. You can go on the source in the github site and fork the project to continue the development.

Release Notes

Version 0.0.6
July 12, 2023
  • New deleting mountpoing action
  • Removed env proxy conf (useless)

Full Changelog: https://github.com/falon/TA_Zimbra_Zextras/compare/v0.0.5a...v0.0.6

Version 0.0.5a
June 12, 2023
  • Update to Splunk Python SDK 1.7.3
  • Improved Out of Office fields.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/falon/TA_Zimbra_Zextras/compare/v0.0.5...v0.0.5a

Version 0.0.5
June 9, 2023

Full Changelog: https://github.com/falon/TA_Zimbra_Zextras/compare/v0.0.4...v0.0.5

Version 0.0.4
April 13, 2023

Added Rsyslog aggregator setup example (documentation)
Avoid riskly action warning in name2info
Better handle of easlog folder extraction (possible error on PCRE_LIMIT)
Extract postfix error fields
Minor fix for better action extraction.

Full Changelog: v0.0.3...v0.0.4

Version 0.0.3
March 8, 2023

Many minor bug fixes.
Added field extractions for Calendar and Team.

Version 0.0.2
March 8, 2023

First release.

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