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Downloading Cisco Bug Search and Analytics
SHA256 checksum (cisco-bug-search-and-analytics_014.tgz) d0da5a51b2f67c960dcee0cb602c2f0d9dff5bed9d7f624ffbabe2fe567f4260 SHA256 checksum (cisco-bug-search-and-analytics_013.tgz) 75eee5a0775fd673e49845047b411f49c1d3f05ce42edc7ebef531e9f8a182c5 SHA256 checksum (cisco-bug-search-and-analytics_012.tgz) f94a08bba6c64868c5f88c08ee89a1baa961e88e9a16bcac2fb9b2bfe74d74f3 SHA256 checksum (cisco-bug-search-and-analytics_011.tgz) fc47c38d1a9a7b6b34c305ba249e01db7995307f17f3a72fdddf7251a402ce7d SHA256 checksum (cisco-bug-search-and-analytics_010.tgz) 2cd298efc2be0a3dff3c943322c16a0383d0c653b2ff937365796c98da20b5a7 SHA256 checksum (cisco-bug-search-and-analytics_009.tgz) da0198a9c1699a9d4c6e214ed5537aa845d010d292e2c576672be6b04a414e34 SHA256 checksum (cisco-bug-search-and-analytics_008.tgz) b1bc857afc3c20daaca7ec5e2b15f61d824127dd8da483d37745aea662f8585c SHA256 checksum (cisco-bug-search-and-analytics_007.tgz) d936b48ff35b157eb89495d44677230cd22e91f198384cdd634986b78f90ec0b SHA256 checksum (cisco-bug-search-and-analytics_006.tgz) e4fbdac3ca8663e8f58994869e1b5cd23473675ea745420048613e94db3055d3 SHA256 checksum (cisco-bug-search-and-analytics_005.tgz) bf4f278ec12bbdb37f9d764a1a7f9dd53853caca28f346d1a5dce410d62f379d SHA256 checksum (cisco-bug-search-and-analytics_004.tgz) 7b004f6ae0d1362dd5c4595155e883b7955347320b4755238d0ab987b508b9d6 SHA256 checksum (cisco-bug-search-and-analytics_003.tgz) 5f46559932cafa58e44b21a8337b700f2f577fed97bb029d65abffaef82a33bd SHA256 checksum (cisco-bug-search-and-analytics_002.tgz) 6d037eca1e17b4568f59196c4e6d9bb54231113e42eb8c81bbf6189a6e57426c SHA256 checksum (cisco-bug-search-and-analytics_001.tgz) a9ac8b2c00744de56f3b01e973c630cae165c8a49b97018f61835f3444d0e9db
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Cisco Bug Search and Analytics

Cisco Bug Search and Analytics offers unrestricted filtering, summarization, and correlation capabilities for vulnerability and bug assessment.

This App searches and analyzes Cisco Bugs and Vulnerabilities, helps to mitigate risks and allows well-considered upgrade and migration decisions. It addresses a critical need in cybersecurity, streamlining bug and vulnerability analysis for Cisco products, saving time and providing valuable insights. This app targeting Cisco users (CTOs, admins) who prioritize efficient bug analysis and seek comprehensive solutions for cybersecurity.

Key Features:
- Unrestricted filtering with flexible property and keyword combinations
- Asterisks (*) and regex support for precise search
- List workarounds for related topics or issues addressing specific components or situations
- Insights from historical and closed bugs
- Build stats by component/feature to see what to avoid or be prepared for
- Identification of problem conditions
- Seamless integration into ticket systems and change processes
- CVE search functionality

NEW: Introducing the "Inventory" View, facilitating swift checks for vulnerabilities and bugs across all Cisco devices. List your devices with version numbers, and the app identifies devices with open issues.

Following charts and tables are available:
- Bug Search
- Bugs
- Vulnerabilities
- Timeline
- Inventory
- Use Cases
- About

New method of getting list of bugs via JSON provides much more information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvG-572baWo

Older method via Excel/CSV export: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMPh0PY7mRQ

This App searches and analyzes Cisco Bugs and Vulnerabilities that helps to mitigate risks and allows to make well-considered upgrade and migration decisions. The software addresses a critical need in cybersecurity, streamlining bug and vulnerability analysis for Cisco products, saving time and providing valuable insights. This app targeting Cisco users (CTOs, admins) who prioritize efficient bug analysis and seek comprehensive solutions for cybersecurity.


  • Cisco Login (customers or partners) to access Cisco Bug Search (https://bst.cloudapps.cisco.com/bugsearch/).
  • Notepad++ with a JSON Viewer plugin or jq CLI tool (download for Windows https://jqlang.github.io/jq/download/).
  • Alternative: Excel to convert XLS to CSV - for CSV.
  • Splunk Enterprise (free trial will be enough).

Installation and configuration

Retrieving the bug data can be tricky (timeouts etc.), sometimes you have to try several times. Contact me if you need assistance to get it running.

  • Install Splunk Enterprise or use Splunk Cloud
  • Login in Splunk and install this App (click on the dropdown list of apps top left > Manage Apps > Install app from file or Apps > Find more Apps)
  • Login to Cisco Bug Search (https://bst.cloudapps.cisco.com/bugsearch/)
  • Select your product or technology using a link "select from list" on the right side, e.g. Products > Security > Web Security, do not apply any filters.
    • Option A (prefered, as json has more fields): Export results in JSON format (HOWTO - Youtube link):
      1. In a browser (Edge, Chrome, Firefox) press the F12 key on the keyboard to open the "Browser Developer Tools" - this will open a new panel with a several tabs, click on the "network" tab.
      2. Press the blue "Search" button in the Cisco Bug Search web site - you'll see several new line appearing in the network tab of the Developer Tools. Each line represent a web request.
      3. Notice a number of found bugs on the result page, e.g. "3653 Results"
      4. Find a line that looks like "search?pf=prdNm..."
      5. Download this json file using one of these methods:
        • Option A1 (using CLI, recommended, faster):
          1. Right click on this line and choose Copy > Copy as cURL (bash).
          2. Open a Bash terminal and paste the curl command from the clipboard.
          3. Add an -o option (save as ..) with a target filename. Choose a short meaningfull name, suggested name convention: [Technology]-[Product Type]-[Date]-[number of bugs].json, e.g. Sec-WebSec-07June2023-3653.json
          4. Modify the value of the URL parameter rpp from default 20 to number of results from the step above (e.g. 3653), the resulting url should look similar to this https://bst.cloudapps.cisco.com/api/get/search?pf=prdNm&kw=*&bt=custV&sb=anfr&rpp=3653&pageNum=0&prdNam=Web%20Security&random=0.0123456789&observe=response
          5. Use jq command line tool to format json: jq .bugSearchResults[] Sec-WebSec-07June2023-3653.json > Sec-WebSec-07June2023-3653_f.json
        • Option A2 (using UI, this method can fail for large number of results on the page):
          1. Right click on this line and choose "Open in new tab".
          2. Switch to this new tab, you'll see a lot of text - these are results in JSON format.
          3. Modify the value of the URL parameter rpp from default 20 to number of results from the step above (e.g. 3653), the resulting url should look similar to this https://bst.cloudapps.cisco.com/api/get/search?pf=prdNm&kw=*&bt=custV&sb=anfr&rpp=3653&pageNum=0&prdNam=Web%20Security&random=0.0123456789&observe=response .(Next time you can re-use this url again, without steps 1-7, only a login is required).
          4. Press ENTER to download and save it locally.
          5. Rename the file to something like Sec-WebSec-07June2023-3653.json - it will be easy to work with the App if the source file name is short and descriptive.
          6. Format to "pretty-print":
            • Open it with Notepad++, Plugins > JSON Viewer (must be installed!) > Format JSON, and save it.
            • Alternatively, use jq command line tool: jq .bugSearchResults[] Sec-WebSec-07June2023-3653.json > Sec-WebSec-07June2023-3653_f.json
      6. Launch this app (select "Cisco Bug Search and Analytics" in the dropdown list)
      7. Import the JSON file:
        1. Click Setting (in a very top Splunk menu) > Add Data > Upload > Select File > Next
        2. Select sourcetype "cisco:bugs:json" from the dropdown list of sourcetypes
        3. Check that the parsing is correct (no warnings on the right side pane)
        4. Click Next > Next > Review > Submit > Start Searching
      8. Optional: To be able to import large events in JSON format, you have to modify limits.conf:
        • Splunk Enterprise: create a file named limits.conf in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/Cisco_Bug_Search_and_Analytics/local/ with this content and restart Splunk:
          limit = 0
          indexed_kv_limit = 0
          maxcols = 100000
          maxchars = 1500000
        • Splunk Cloud: contact support to rise limits.
    • Option B (fallback, not recommended, as CSV export missing some important fields.): Export results to Excel and convert them to CSV:
      1. In the Bug Search Tool press "Export Results to Excel". If you get an error "the list exceeds the maximum of 10,000 results" then apply some filters or exports them in parts (for example first Fixed, then Open, Terminated and Other).
      2. Open the bugsearch.xls file in Excel and export it in CSV UTF-8 format. Do it for every XLS and merge all CSV into one file (Linux bash: cat bugsearch_Open.csv bugsearch_Fixed.csv > ASA.csv, Windows CMD: type bugsearch_Open.csv bugsearch_Fixed.csv > ASA.csv). The name of the file will be used later in the filtering, suggested name convention: [Technology]-[Product Type]-[Date]-[number of bugs].csv, e.g. Sec-FW-02Jun2023-3653.csv
      3. Launch this app (select "Cisco Bug Search and Analytics" in the dropdown list)
      4. Import the CSV file:
        1. Click Setting (in a very top Splunk menu) > Add Data > Upload > Select File > Next
        2. Select sourcetype "cisco:bugs:csv" from the dropdown list of sourcetypes
        3. Check that the parsing is correct (no warnings on the right side pane)
        4. Click Next > Next > Review > Submit > Start Searching
  • You can import several CSV/JSON files for various products and switch between them anytime using the source dropdown.

Deleting old results

Before you import new results into Splunk, delete old data: ( sourcetype=cisco:bugs:csv OR sourcetype=cisco:bugs:json ) source="<your_old_source>" | delete

Working with Cisco Bug Search and Analysis App

  • Use the "Source" dropdown to choose your source.
  • Use a free search input field and Status/Severity filters to find a particular infomation that you need.
  • Choose Column to build a table of results with required information. You can set order of columns and sorting.

General Suggestions

  • Try to find a workaround for a similar issue in old releases.
  • If you're looking to make your systems more stable and secure, check if there are any components or conditions which are responsible for a large portion of problems. For example disabling not critical components or reducing the load can help avoid some kinds of bugs.
  • Some software packages/component are notoriously insecure and have bad historical records.
  • Complexity is bad: complex code is buggy more often, and buggy code is often insecure. (Thinking Security by Steven M. Bellovin)

Available Fields

Most fields are explained in the Bug Search Help Bug Search Tool Help.

averageRneRatingn/acontent quality information which will be an average of all rating information provided by customers, AKA "Was the description about this Bug Helpful?"-rating, on a scale from 0 to 5 (stars).
behaviorChangedFlagn/aWhether a bug changes the behaviour of the product.
bugIdBugIdA unique identifier (ID) of the Bug in format CSCxxNNNNN, where x is any letter (a-z) and N is any number (0-9).
bugLastModifiedDateLast_Modifiedthe last time the bug details were changed
bugVisiblityn/aCustomer Visible
componentn/aSoftware component related to a bug: e.g. amp, logging, tls, dns, etc.
createDaten/aDate/Time when a bug entry was created.
duplicateOfBugIdn/aDuplicate Bugs (status="D") have a reference to the BugId that they are duplicate of.
headLineheadLineOne line (max 100 characters) summary (or Title) of a bug.
idBugIdsee BugId
knownAffectedReleasesAffected_ReleasesThis field displays the software releases known to be impacted by this bug.
knownFixedReleasesFixed_ReleasesThis field displays the software releases known to contain a fix for this bug.
productn/aThis represents the Cisco Product name or Software in which the bug occurs, e.g. wsa, esa.
psirtCvesCVEList of CVEs.
releaseNoteTextreleaseNoteTextSymptom, Conditions and Workaround
rneRatingCountn/aHow many users have rated the bug.
severityCodeseverityCodeNumeric representation of the bug severity, from 1 (catastrophic) to 6 (enhancement).
severityNameseverityNameBug severity: Enhancement, Cosmetic, Minor, Moderate, Severe, Catastrophic
statusn/ashort (one letter) version of statusName field
statusGroupstatusGroupOpen - The bug has not been fixed. Fixed - The bug has been fixed. Other - The bug is a duplicate of another bug. Terminated - A decision was made not to fix the bug. Duplicate. Unreproducible
statusGroupsn/asee statusGroup
statusNamen/aProvides detailed internal case status: Closed (C), Duplicate (D), Held (H), Info_req (I), Junked (J), More (M), New (N), Open (O), Opened (O), Postponed (P), Resolved (R), Unreproducible (U), Verified (V), Wait (W)
troubleTicketNumbersCountn/aNumber of opened tickes related to this BugId.
troubleTicketNumbersn/aTickets IDs related to this BugId.

Additionally, further fields extracted of build based on the bug description (releaseNoteText):

CVSS link
pre symptom text
Further Problem Description

Following Common Information Model (CIM) fields for Vulnerabilities event datasets are extracted and filled:



  • Q: CSV exports contains more Bugs than shown in the table. A: CSV file can contain duplicate entries. The app removes duplicates with dedup command
  • Q: How to show when a bug was introduced, when fixed and how long was it open? A: The "Create_Date" field is available only in JSON export, if you need this kind of information use the recommended method "A" (JSON).
  • Q: Bug Severity meaning: A: explained here: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/web/tools/bst/bsthelp/index.html
    • 1 - Catastrophic
    • 2 - Severe
    • 3 - Moderate
    • 4 - Minor
    • 5 - Cosmetic
    • 6 - Enhancement
  • Q: Bug Status meaing: A: Other - The bug is a duplicate of another bug, Terminated - A decision was made not to fix the bug. More at https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/web/tools/bst/bsthelp/index.html
  • Q: Release Terminology: what is FCS/ED/GD/LD/MD/HP? A: Release terminology explained: https://docs.ces.cisco.com/docs/release-terminology
    • FCS - First Customer Ship (old name for ED)
    • ED - Early Deployment
    • GD - General Deployment
    • LD - Limited Deployment
    • MD - Maintenance Deployment
    • HP - Hot Patch
  • Q: Are there any restrictions to access the Cisco Bug Search Tool? A: Anyone who has a valid Cisco.com account can access Bug Search online, but only customers and partners can utilize its advanced features. Registered users can view up to 200 bugs per month without a service contract using a Bug ID. Customers and partners who have a valid service contract can leverage advance features like Product, keyword, and release-based searches. https://www.cisco.com/web/applicat/cbsshelp/help.html
  • Q: Can the duration of a bug being open, from creation the creation date to the resolution (fixed) date, be calculated? A: No, it's not possible. The data doesn't include a timestamp for when the bug was fixed. The last_modified field is unreliable for this purpose as it reflects updates to the bug description long after the bug is resolved.
  • Q: How to normalize various version formats (1.2.3,, 001.002(000.123), 1.2(0.123) etc.)? A: Open it in search and add a rex, for example:
    | rex mode=sed field=Affected_Releases "s/\(0+\.?/(/g") Remove leading zeros in brackets: 123(002) -> 123(2)
    | rex mode=sed field=Affected_Releases "s/^0+/_/g" Remove leading zeros: 001.123 -> 1.123
    | rex mode=sed field=Affected_Releases "s/-HP\d+-/-/g" Remove Hot Patch labels: 123-HP3-456 -> 123-456
    | rex mode=sed field=Affected_Releases "s/\([a-zA-Z]+\)//g"Remove internal names enclosed in brackets: 123(SomeText)-456 -> 123-456


This app should work with Splunk 7.x/8.x/9.x on Windows and Linux platforms.


All what you do with this app is on your own responsibility!

Version History

  • 0.1.1 - Fixed minor UI bugs.
  • 0.1.0 - Improved UI layout. Added multiselect of sources. Added a new view "Inventory" to correlate bug data to list of devices from a lookup.
  • 0.0.9 - Added a Use Cases view with step by step HOWTOs and examples.
  • 0.0.8 - most fields are normalized based on the JSON format, minor corrections, better documentation.
  • 0.0.7 - added support for JSON import from the Bug Search website. The JSON format provides more fields (e.g. Create_Date, component, etc.) and has no restriction on the number of events, unlike export via Excel, that can export only 10.000 bugs maximum.
  • 0.0.6 - better search and filtering
  • 0.0.5 - applied required changes to keep compatibility with Splunk Cloud (use jquery 3.5)
  • 0.0.4 - timeline filtering (min/max version)
  • 0.0.3 - new bug timeline view
  • 0.0.2 - easier configuration by using single sourcetype (cisco:bugs:csv). Changing between products by choosing source instead of sourcetype. Added a new view "vulnerabilities", removed "top bugs", "analytics" and "bug tagging". Still a beta release.
  • 0.0.1 - first public release (beta)

Contact: splunk@compek.net

Use Cases

  • How to find a name of a product?
  • List all bugs and vulnerabilities for some version
  • List all vulnerabilities for some version
  • List all bugs and vulnerabilities for a small number of versions
  • List all bugs and vulnerabilities for a large number of versions using a lookup
  • List all bug info for some topic
  • List all bug info for some product component
  • List all bugs in the current release, list fixed versions and new bugs that might be introduced after an upgrade
(The full use cases manual available in the app).

Release Notes

Version 0.1.4
Jan. 29, 2024

Bug Tracking now shows what has been changed (e.g. added CVE, Workaround or change in the Symptom description).

Version 0.1.3
Jan. 26, 2024

Multiselect input for sources retains now only recent entries, facilitating tracking of changes while preserving older sources. Introduced a new 'Bug Tracking' view enabling estimation of Fixed_Date and TimeToFix.

Version 0.1.2
Jan. 23, 2024

Improved Inventory view.

Version 0.1.1
Jan. 9, 2024

Fixed minor UI bugs

Version 0.1.0
Jan. 5, 2024

Improved UI layout. Added multiselect of sources. Added a new view "Inventory" to correlate bug data to list of devices from a lookup.

Version 0.0.9
June 20, 2023

Added a Use Cases view with step by step HOWTOs and examples.

Version 0.0.8
June 19, 2023

most fields are normalized based on the JSON format, minor corrections, better documentation.

Version 0.0.7
June 7, 2023

added support for JSON import from the Bug Search website. The JSON format provides more fields (e.g. Create_Date, component, etc.).

Version 0.0.6
June 1, 2023

better search and filtering

Version 0.0.5
Aug. 7, 2021

applied required changes to keep compatibility with Splunk Cloud (use jquery 3.5)

Version 0.0.4
April 18, 2021

timeline filtering (min/max version)

Version 0.0.3
March 7, 2021

add new bug timeline view

Version 0.0.2
Feb. 7, 2021

easier configuration by using single sourcetype (cisco:bugs:csv). Changing between products by choosing source instead of sourcetype. Added a new view "vulnerabilities", removed "top bugs", "analytics" and "bug tagging". Still a beta release.

Version 0.0.1
Dec. 15, 2019

First release, consider it Beta

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