A simple donut/pie chart that can be displayed as a semicircle and supports multiple series on a single chart.
It is built with the chart.js library. Colours can be explicitly set in the search query. Supports dark mode.
Source code | Feature requests and bugs | My other apps
If you already hated pie charts, then you are really going to hate multi-series pie charts...
index=_internal |stats count by log_level
index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd_ui_access| stats avg(spent) as spend avg(bytes) as bytes by method
index=_internal | eval len = len(_raw) |stats count by log_level | eval color = case(log_level=="ERROR", "#af575a", log_level=="WARN", "#ed995f", log_level=="INFO", "#4fa484", true(), "#cccccc")
You then need to go into the "Format" options and type the field name "color".
Copyright (C) 2019 Chris Younger
I am a Splunk Professional Services consultant working for JDS Australia (https://www.jds.net.au), in Brisbane Australia.
The following third-party libraries are used by this app. Thank you!
No changes, just a version bump to prevent Splunkbase from archiving this app.
Fixed mouse pointer when drilldowns are enabled
* Update internal jquery library for Splunk Cloud compatibility
* Minor bug fixes
* Fix for 7.3 to remove "undefined" messages in format menu
* Minor bug fixes
* Fix for 7.3 to remove "undefined" messages in format menu
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