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SHA256 checksum (threathunting_151.tgz) 5ff5b453fa12b3039f68519f5ba2bb08c92d60e94e39b5026971abc93d73a7a8 SHA256 checksum (threathunting_150.tgz) b0e09dfdf024663d6ec1be49b43f24edca96b4e4fb185a6be27091c224b2d167 SHA256 checksum (threathunting_1492.tgz) 85168d938ae99b807f8c566b3993173f4d30a6e9a56672237a9885e44dec4107 SHA256 checksum (threathunting_144.tgz) 163426a88a973d19a970e21d2328930ce49d2330e9f1e5b9b4eb923d86671148 SHA256 checksum (threathunting_141.tgz) d1b9b468257f39031f42536216511282a4e03ef8d2b66d2a3ee9c68801cb813a SHA256 checksum (threathunting_13.tgz) 7dd292cbedea5dffc2837ba8a40696545366e5baa092dd38d337613b52a695ed
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This is a Splunk application containing several hunting dashboards and over 120 reports that will facilitate initial hunting indicators to investigate.

You obviously need to be ingesting Sysmon data into Splunk, a good configuration can be found in the details

Required actions after deployment:
Make sure the threathunting index is present on your indexers
Edit the macro's to suit your environment
Install the required addons
Install the lookup csv's or create them yourself, empty csv's are here > https://github.com/olafhartong/ThreatHunting/raw/master/files/ThreatHunting.tar.gz

More documentation is available at > https://github.com/olafhartong/threathunting/wiki

This app is maintained on GitHub > https://github.com/olafhartong/threathunting

This is a Splunk application containing several dashboards and over 120 reports that will facilitate initial hunting indicators to investigate.

You obviously need to be ingesting Sysmon data into Splunk, a good configuration can be found here

This application is not a magic bullet, it will require tuning and real investigative work to be truly effective in your environment.
Try to become best friends with your system administrators. They will be able to explain a lot of the initially discovered indicators.

Big credit goes out to MITRE for creating the ATT&CK framework!

Pull requests / issue tickets and new additions will be greatly appreciated!

Mitre ATT&CK

I strive to map all searches to the ATT&CK framework.
A current ATT&CK navigator export of all linked configurations is found here and can be viewed here

App Prerequisites

Install the following apps to your SearchHead:

Required actions after deployment

  • Make sure the threathunting index is present on your indexers
  • Edit the macro's to suit your environment > https://YOURSPLUNK/en-US/manager/ThreatHunting/admin/macros
  • The app is shipped without whitelist lookup files, you'll need to create them yourself. This is so you won't accidentally overwrite them on an upgrade of the app. Install the lookup csv's or create them yourself, empty csv's are here


A more detailed explanation of all functions can be found here

Release Notes

Version 1.5.1
Nov. 12, 2022

Updates 1.5.1

  • Changed "Windows Management Instrumentation" to WMI in the name of the [T1047] searches to get below the 100 character max name length limit
  • Added Splunk v9+ compliant version tags to dashboards
  • Changed dependency in requirements.csv from "Splunk Add-On for Microsoft Sysmon" to "Splunk Add-on for Sysmon"

Updates 1.5.0

New Features
- NEW REQUIREMENT : Event Timeline app
- GrantedAccess descriptions for the most common occurences
- Rare process chains dashboard finished
- Search based drilldown dashboard Added
- The threathunting index is now customizable in a macro
- lateral movement indicator dashboard overhaul, plus new panels
- user drilldown dashboard improved
- Network connection drilldown has clearer visualization for beaconing behavior, replaced punchcard by timeline visualization
- Updated the following changes to the whitelist dashboards:
- added OriginalFileName mapping to file_name
- working new searches

Version 1.5.0
Nov. 22, 2021

Compatible with Sysmon 13.30

Added user fields to all panels
Added a File Prevalence dashboard (requires additional index to be created)
Added a Newly observed hashes dashboard
Added a Sysmon tuning dashboard
Several bug fixes
Updated the downloadable lookup files

Version 1.4.92
March 3, 2021

Maintenance release

New Features
- Splunk cloud compatible

- Rebuilt some dashboards to have a significant speed increase and more efficient searches
- Whitelisting has been improved

Tons of Bugfixes and code improvements

Special thanks to @contrablueteam / Outpost Security for addressing a lot of the issues

Version 1.4.4
July 28, 2020

New Features
- Rare process chains dashboard (still wip)
- Colors sprinkled though-out the app according to the ATT&CK Rainbow of Tactics

- Rebuilt some dashboards to have a significant speed increase and more efficient searches
- Changed the searches on the (Parent)ProcessGuid dashboards to have slightly less detail but a huge speed improvement

- fixed a typo in the lookups
- Some time pickers didn't properly translate to drilldowns
- Overlap with windows TA field mappings removed
- Fixed a faulty field name in one of the lookups
- Added the missing the blank lookup files

Version 1.4.1
Aug. 7, 2019

New Features
- NEW REQUIREMENT : Link Analysis app >> LINK
- Initial mapping of Windows 4768/9 events in props.conf
- Pipe Drilldown dashboard
- File create whitelist macro
- File create Drilldown dashboard
- Added Stacking tools section
- Added Mitre ATT&CK stacking page
- Added DNS stacking page with beaconing detection
- Added DNS whitelist
- Added User drilldown page
- Added Macro drilldown dashboard
- Added 24 new searches
- Added Credits pane

- Renamed pipe_created_whitelist macro to pipe_whitelist
- Renamed pipe_created_whitelist csv to pipe_whitelist throughout the app
- Replaced the force directed visual by link analysis for network connection drilldown
- Added a few fields to props.conf, including Sysmon DNS events
- Extended T1218,T1216,T1081,T1075 searches
- Rebuilt the whitelisting, searches are a LOT quicker now and take less resources
- Added original_file_name to event_id 1 and 7
- Top triggered techniques drilldown changed to technique_id
- more details on GitHub

Version 1.3
May 19, 2019

Updates 1.3

New Features
- Added Technique and Host filtering options to the threat hunting overview page
- Added Timeline graph to the overview page
- Added Technique and Host filtering options to the mitre att&ck overview page
- Added New Files created page, based on Sysmon event_id 11
- Added File Create whitelist editor page
- Initial mapping of Windows 4688 events in props.conf
- Added 4688 events to 70 reports
- Added indextime macro

- Automated search distribution
- Index time searches instead of _time
- Cleaned up the code a bit

- Fixed the Tactics and Technique(ID) filters on the mitre att&ck overview page
- Added the Initial Access tactic and properly sorted them on all pages
- Re-added the computer investigator page
- Changed sourcetype to source in macros

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