Download and use tar zxvf to install the app into $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps directory. Restart Splunk.
The app should be installed on a stand alone instance of Splunk or on a search head. The distsearch.conf file in the app prevents replication of the included lookup files.
To use the app, click on a use case and then click on an example. From an example, view the notes, screenshots, and sample data search. Learn how to use the search and adopt the concepts for your own data. This app is intended to learn examples. It does not index any data as all sample data is provided and used with an inputlookup.
Removed add-on-builder's bin/splunklib directory as it is not used by the app. Removed add-on-builder.conf as it is not used by the app.
Added in dashboard directory home.xml.span.back for optional Spanish introduction. Added in the appserver/static/components/pages directory landing.js.spn for optional Spanish descriptions of all the use cases.
Maintenance release to support underneath framework migrated to Python 3.x and the latest JS supported by Splunk. Mayur Pipaliya,
Nikhilesh Chaudhari and Yuan Ling did the porting. Nimish Doshi fixed searches for ATM Fraud and Wire Transfer Fraud to work with Splunk 9.1.
Added Mobile Payments and Banking Fraud
New Marketing Icons for Use Cases; New Credits Page under Documentation; Changed Button to Run Search Again; Updated or fixed text content in multiple places. Version 1.0 limitations still apply.
First public release. Known limitations: Advance Visualizations (e.g., Sankey, Timeline, etc.) are not implemented in the framework. See the screenshot for these examples or run the search manually from the search bar with the sample data to see it in action. Passing in date time ranges for rendering data is not implemented in the framework. Again, use the screenshots or run the search manually for commands such as timewrap or sparkline.
As a Splunkbase app developer, you will have access to all Splunk development resources and receive a 10GB license to build an app that will help solve use cases for customers all over the world. Splunkbase has 1000+ apps from Splunk, our partners and our community. Find an app for most any data source and user need, or simply create your own with help from our developer portal.