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SHA256 checksum (python-cron-iteration-for-splunk_110.tgz) aec912c1596f12716cfee54e0656b732b5cbfee7106eecf32517d15e380bc6aa SHA256 checksum (python-cron-iteration-for-splunk_105.tgz) 3fca8d9052fe6a75c4a70f9f1b45cc56fd5c3b90073acfc4ae6146b8f4506b59 SHA256 checksum (python-cron-iteration-for-splunk_104.tgz) 53a4f4823dd8f3571d3a5959918b269574e4aac41e798383073d81171b1ba2ea SHA256 checksum (python-cron-iteration-for-splunk_103.tgz) 5d8c1256ac4afc1cf85dbd6c6b780f4ef284b70263418e9b66f44424f4e13140 SHA256 checksum (python-cron-iteration-for-splunk_102.tgz) 5f800478c37031b24f2f31772c3cbcc501b34f84fa6dc479287fb5d87449b8b0 SHA256 checksum (python-cron-iteration-for-splunk_101.tgz) 2e29241874913f1b44f43098f72fc7a8d34969a345eac439160d4786272b2fd3 SHA256 checksum (python-cron-iteration-for-splunk_100.tgz) bde77a18d267234b5f6e54f15e64f48a72eaa083c2e80b908fe72c01550e1346
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Python Cron Iteration for Splunk

This app has been archived. Learn more about app archiving.
This app is NOT supported by Splunk. Please read about what that means for you here.
The purpose of this command is to help visualize cron schedules and produce timestamps for expected runs based on the cron schedule. This was created largely to address the question, "How many searches are going to be running at timeblock X based on current search schedules?" While it may be used in other contexts, this command was built for that single purpose.

**Note**: There is a known issue whereby this app cannot be installed along side DBConnect 3.1.3. Install 3.1.4 or later.

Change Log


  • Initial Release


  • Confirmed compatibility with Splunk 7.2


  • Updated Croniter library to 0.3.27 (Previous version: 0.3.22)
  • Updated Splunk SDK to version 1.6.6 (Previous version: 1.6.2)
  • Removed explicit inclusion of six library. Splunk SDK now seems to include this.
  • Added option to specify an end epoch field instead of iteration count


  • Updated dateutil library
  • Confirmed compatibility with 7.3


  • Confirmed compatibility with 8.0 (python3 environment enabled globally)


  • Confirmed compat with 8.1
  • Upgraded Splunk SDK 1.6.14
  • Upgraded Croniter Library to 0.3.36
  • Upgrade dateutil Library to 2.8.1
  • Added natsort 7.0.1


  • Upgraded Splunk SDK
  • Upgraded Croniter library
  • Upgraded dateutil library
  • Upgraded natsort library
  • Confirmed Splunk 8.2 compatibility


This search command is packaged with the following external libraries:
+ Splunk SDK for Python (http://dev.splunk.com/python)
+ Python Croniter Library (https://github.com/taichino/croniter)
+ Python dateutil Library (https://github.com/dateutil/dateutil)
+ Python six Library (https://pypi.org/project/six/)
+ Python natsort Library (https://github.com/SethMMorton/natsort)

Nothing further is required for this add-on to function.


Follow standard Splunk installation procedures to install this app.

Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/AddOns/released/Overview/Singleserverinstall
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/AddOns/released/Overview/Distributedinstall


The purpose of this command is to help visualize cron schedules and produce timestamps for expected runs based on the cron schedule. This was created largely to address the question, "How many searches are going to be running at timeblock X based on current search schedules?" While it may be used in other contexts, this command was built for that single purpose.


Command Type

  • Streaming

Command Usage

| croniter iterations=25 input=cron_schedule start_epoch=timestamp_field


| croniter input=cron_schedule start_epoch=timestamp_field end_epoch=timestamp_field

Note that if both "iterations" and "end_epoch" are specified, the end_epoch will take precedence.

Sample Search

Starting now, show the next 25 expected runs for scheduled searches using a cron schedule and combine them to show which times have the highest number of searches scheduled.

| rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches splunk_server=local
| where disabled=0 and is_scheduled=1
| table cron_schedule,title,disabled,is_scheduled
| croniter iterations=25 input=cron_schedule
| stats values(title) as searches,dc(title) as dc_searches by croniter_return
| convert ctime(croniter_return) timeformat="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
| sort 0 - dc_searches

Same as the previous except start the iterations at a timestamp 2 days previous:

| rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches splunk_server=local
| where disabled=0 and is_scheduled=1
| table cron_schedule,title,disabled,is_scheduled
| eval start_epoch=relative_time(now(),"-2d@d")
| croniter iterations=5 input=cron_schedule start_epoch=start_epoch
| stats values(title) as searches,dc(title) as dc_searches by croniter_return
| convert ctime(croniter_return) timeformat="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
| sort 0 - dc_searches

Search using an end epoch instead of iteration count as the marker for stopping the generation:

| rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches splunk_server=local
| where disabled=0 and is_scheduled=1
| table cron_schedule,title,disabled,is_scheduled
| eval myendepoch=relative_time(now(),"+3d@d")
| croniter end_epoch=myendepoch input=cron_schedule


If support is required or you would like to contribute to this project, please reference: https://gitlab.com/johnfromthefuture/TA-croniter. This app is supported by the developer as time allows.

Release Notes

Version 1.1.0
March 1, 2022


  • Upgraded Splunk SDK
  • Upgraded Croniter library
  • Upgraded dateutil library
  • Upgraded natsort library
  • Confirmed Splunk 8.2 compatibility
Version 1.0.5
Nov. 13, 2020


  • Confirmed compat with 8.1
  • Upgraded Splunk SDK to version 1.6.14
  • Upgraded Croniter Library to version 0.3.36
  • Upgrade dateutil Library to version 2.8.1
  • Added library natsort 7.0.1
Version 1.0.4
Jan. 17, 2020

Confirmed compatibility with Splunk 8/py3

Version 1.0.3
Aug. 1, 2019


  • Updated dateutil library
  • Confirmed compatibility with 7.3
Version 1.0.2
Feb. 14, 2019


  • Updated Croniter library to 0.3.27 (Previous version: 0.3.22)
  • Updated Splunk SDK to version 1.6.6 (Previous version: 1.6.2)
  • Removed explicit inclusion of six library. Splunk SDK now seems to include this.
  • Added option to specify an end epoch field instead of iteration count (Thanks to user @gjanders for submitting this idea!)
Version 1.0.1
Oct. 22, 2018
Version 1.0.0
May 30, 2018

Initial release.

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