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Downloading TA-dmarc add-on for Splunk
SHA256 checksum (ta-dmarc-add-on-for-splunk_411.tgz) ba10db904994289be16cdc44b9faddff9cbba393e17a60df91396c7a3856b332 SHA256 checksum (ta-dmarc-add-on-for-splunk_400.tgz) 2cdcf34ecba1ac18a1dc21268e349353e215ecf523b34251013d429aadd7acf0 SHA256 checksum (ta-dmarc-add-on-for-splunk_324.tgz) 4249224417d9ccb44211a7ea928cf4bfc4cc6aa70a666f583933d110483ec3e6 SHA256 checksum (ta-dmarc-add-on-for-splunk_323.tgz) 9adecfa48589e5709ad86bb3de124bc3a3e93c960eb7e86b11eeaa2f57ce270d SHA256 checksum (ta-dmarc-add-on-for-splunk_321.tgz) f2e9dd6b10b8e7b9c3168caedd53f8ace69d5bbd2b3c00106d43c499f2380b9a SHA256 checksum (ta-dmarc-add-on-for-splunk_320.tgz) 5b494c09f1cac00cc312d8ffe3b118d0fef233c0eb19e5666aff1775e7726c25 SHA256 checksum (ta-dmarc-add-on-for-splunk_310.tgz) f00d5df3d99640f9a8c8098afa75cc60d5e08f056c1b51cf7092dc2b962fe004 SHA256 checksum (ta-dmarc-add-on-for-splunk_300.tgz) 5351f9de24c82f1b1e1dee2f3d0e7a82941465e02f0ef87405e1925ba9c03b95 SHA256 checksum (ta-dmarc-add-on-for-splunk_211.tgz) 7f1535419e1d960d8bf5b787599c306e5084fab4bc471459e3809f4d04318489 SHA256 checksum (ta-dmarc-add-on-for-splunk_201.tgz) 39d01319cee9ca023045a0696815ecc8cc96933f906efec85e5b5485fc686427 SHA256 checksum (ta-dmarc-add-on-for-splunk_200.tgz) b2d1a669e8c97dfd1daa257d51bb23bdd2b309b8c174ed37c1786d32c9729b50 SHA256 checksum (ta-dmarc-add-on-for-splunk_121.tgz) 84d738a5f290ccc030b1482f18cc9fd4e2cff5cd2817bd257130efd82b0cac21 SHA256 checksum (ta-dmarc-add-on-for-splunk_120.tgz) 9136f6e1863f4b96e638dc2d509192cbf1be127195867c73b44417711b27ddcb
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TA-dmarc add-on for Splunk

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TA-dmarc add-on for Splunk supports ingesting DMARC XML aggregate reports from
an IMAP/POP3 mailbox or local directory with mitigations against:

* ZIP bombs
* gzip bombs
* various XML attack vectors like billion laughs, quadratic blowup, external entity expansion and so on
* malformed reports
* false reports (alpha)

TA-dmarc add-on for Splunk

Add-on for ingesting DMARC XML aggregate reports into Splunk from an IMAP account or local directory, with mitigations against XML, GZ and ZIP-bombs.

Supported versions and platforms

Splunk version Linux Windows
8.0 Yes Yes
8.1 Yes Yes
8.2 Yes Yes
9.0 Yes Likely but untested

Additional requirements:

  • Splunk heavy forwarder instance: Because of Python dependencies Splunk Universal Forwarder is not supported
  • KVstore: used to keep track of which IMAP messages or local files have already been processed. KVstore is enabled by default on Splunk instances.

Install the TA-dmarc add-on for Splunk

Single instance Splunk deployments

  1. In Splunk, click on "Manage Apps"
  2. Click "Browse more apps", search for "TA-dmarc" and install the add-on

Distributed Splunk deployments

Instance type Supported Required Description
Search head Yes Yes Install this add-on on your search head(s) where CIM compliance of DMARC aggregate reports is required
Indexer Yes No This add-on should be installed on a heavy forwarder that does the index time parsing. There is no need to install this add-on on an indexer too.
Universal Forwarder No No This add-on is not supported on a Universal Forwarder because it requires Python
Heavy Forwarder Yes Yes Install this add-on on a heavy forwarder to ingest DMARC XML aggregate reports into Splunk.

The following table lists support for distributed deployment roles in a Splunk deployment:

Deployment role Supported Description
Search head deployer Yes Install this add-on on your search head deployer to enable CIM compliance of DMARC aggregate reports on a Search Head Cluster
Cluster Master No This add-on should be installed on a heavy forwarder that performs parsing at index time. There is no need to install this add-on on an indexer too.
Deployment Server Depends This add-on can be (1) deployed unconfigured to a client or (2) deployed preconfigured with a directory input. Due to the encrypted credentials it cannot be deployed preconfigured for IMAP inputs.

Configure inputs for TA-dmarc

The TA-dmarc supports the following input modes:

  • Read aggregate reports from an IMAP account. The add-on only ingests mails with "Report domain:" in the subject. It leaves the ingested mails on the IMAP server and keeps a record of which mails have already been processed.
  • Read aggregate reports from a directory. This can be useful to batch load the aggregate reports in non-internet-connected environments.

Directory input

TA-dmarc can watch a folder where you drop DMARC aggregate reports manually or otherwise.
It will read files with .xml, .zip or .xml.gz extention, ingest them into Splunk. Any invalid .xml, .zip or .xml.gz files are ignored.

TA-dmarc will leave files untouched in the directory: it uses internal checkpointing to skip files that have been previously ingested.

  1. Go to the add-on's configuration UI and configure a new modular input by clicking on the "Inputs" menu.
  2. Click "Create new input"
  3. Select "DMARC directory"
  4. Configure:
  5. Name: e.g. "production_dmarc_indir"
  6. Interval: how often to poll the directory where DMARC XML aggregate reports are read from (see below)
  7. Index: what Splunk index to send the aggregate reports to
  8. Directory: Location where DMARC aggregate reports should be read from
  9. Quiet time: Ignore files that have a modification time of less than n seconds ago. You can use this to prevent ingesting large files that are dropped on a network share but take some time to transfer
  10. Resolve IP: Whether or not to resolve the raw source_ip in the DMARC XML aggregate reports
  11. Click add

IMAP input

TA-dmarc can fetch DMARC aggregate report attachments from mails on an IMAP server. It will process attachments in .xml, .zip or xml.gz format and ingest them into Splunk.

TA-dmarc will leave the mails on the server: it uses internal checkpointing to skip mails that have been previously ingested.

  1. Go to the add-on's configuration UI and configure an account to authenticate with:
  2. Account Name: descriptive account name, e.g. google_dmarc_mailbox
  3. Username: the account to identify with
  4. Password: the password to authenticate with
  5. Next, go to the add-on's configuration UI and configure a new modular input by clicking on the "Inputs" menu.
  6. Click "Create new input"
  7. Select "DMARC mailbox"
  8. Configure:
  9. Name: e.g. dmarc-google
  10. Interval: how often to poll the mailserver for aggregate reports.
  11. Index: what Splunk index to send the aggregate reports to
  12. Global Account: select the account to authenticate with
  13. IMAP server: the imap server to poll
  14. Use SSL: whether or not to use an encrypted connection
  15. Resolve IP: Whether or not to resolve the row source_ip in the DMARC XML aggregate reports

DMARC aggregate reports

This add-on handles the following file formats in which aggregate reports are delivered:

  1. XML (as .xml file)
  2. ZIP (as .zip file)
  3. GZ (as .xml.gz file)

Mitigations are in place against:

  • ZIP bombs
  • gzip bombs
  • various XML attack vectors like billion laughs, quadratic blowup, external entity expansion and so on

Field mapping

From the XML sample below, these fields are created:

XML field Splunk field name Value
feedback/report_metadata/org_name rpt_metadata_org_name google.com
feedback/report_metadata/email rpt_metadata_email noreply-dmarc-support@google.com
feedback/report_metadata/extra_contact_info rpt_metadata_extra_contact_info https://support.google.com/a/answer/2466580
feedback/report_metadata/report_id rpt_metadata_report_id 13190401177475355109
feedback/report_metadata/date_range/begin rpt_metadata_date_range_begin 1506988800
feedback/report_metadata/date_range/end rpt_metadata_date_range_end 1507075199
feedback/policy_published/domain policy_published_domain example.com
feedback/policy_published/adkim policy_published_adkim r
feedback/policy_published/adpf policy_published_aspf r
feedback/policy_published/p policy_published_p none
feedback/policy_published/pct policy_published_pct 100
feedback/record/row/source_ip row_source_ip
feedback/record/row/count row_count 1
feedback/record/row/policy_evaluated/disposition row_policy_evaluated_disposition none
feedback/record/row/policy_evaluated/dkim row_policy_evaluated_dkim fail
feedback/record/row/policy_evaluated/spf row_policy_evaluated_spf fail
feedback/record/identifiers/header_from identifiers_header_from example.com
feedback/record/auth_results/spf/domain auth_result_spf_domain example.com
feedback/record/auth_results/spf/domain auth_result_spf_result fail

Authentication datamodel

Besides the fields contained in the report, additional fields are mapped from the CIM Authentication datamodel, based on the XML sample below:

Authentication datamodel field name Value
action failure
app dmarc
dest google.com
signature Use of mail-from domain example.com
signature_id 13190401177475355109
src resolved.name.if.available.test
src_user example.com
eventtype dmarc_rua_spf_only
tag authentication, insecure

DMARC XML sample

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>


The DMARC-imap input saves checkpointing data in KVstore.
To see its contents: |inputlookup ta_dmarc_checkpointer_lookup

If you want to reindex an entire mailbox, you can do so by deleting the TA-dmarc KVstore checkpointing data through this Splunk command:

|inputlookup ta_dmarc_checkpointer_lookup
|search state!="*input=dmarc_imap, server=imap.gmail.com*"
|outputlookup ta_dmarc_checkpointer_lookup`

If you want to reindex a single DMARC report, you can do so by deleting its corresponding record from KVstore:

| inputlookup ta_dmarc_checkpointer_lookup 
| search state!="*Report-ID: 3596274322387252907*" 
| outputlookup ta_dmarc_checkpointer_lookup

Reindexing a DMARC report from a directory input is left as an excercise for the reader.

Third party software credits

The following software components are used in this add-on:

  1. defusedxml version 0.5.0 by Christian Heimes
  2. IMAPClient version 1.0.2 by Menno Finlay-Smits
  3. Splunk Add-on Builder version 2.2.0 by Splunk and the third-party software it uses


This is an open source project without warranty of any kind. No support is provided. However, a public repository and issue tracker are available at https://github.com/jorritfolmer/TA-dmarc

Release Notes

Version 4.1.1
Oct. 21, 2022
  • Fixed splunkbase check_python_sdk_version see issue #45
  • Fixed check_for_vulnerable_javascript_library_usage, issue #45
Version 4.0.0
Aug. 12, 2022
  • Recreated from scratch using Splunk Add-on Builder v4.1.1 to address various Splunk Cloud requirements
  • Fixed str decode exception (Thanks to George Luong for reporting the issue)
  • Fixed Py2/3 issues in POP3 input (Thanks to Constantin Oshmyan for reporting and fixing the issue)
  • Fixed POP3 uidl persistence issue (Thanks to Constantin Oshmyan for reporting and fixing the issue)
  • Fixed exception when encountering non-RFC822 items on DavMail (thanks to Diogo Silva for reporting the issue)
Version 3.2.4
Nov. 28, 2020

Fixed exception in directory input. (Thanks to Georgi Georgiev for providing a patch)

Version 3.2.3
Nov. 26, 2020
  • Added support for Splunk 8.1. (Thanks to Aaron Myers for reporting the issue)
  • Fixed exception when using add-on together with listenOnIPv6=yes (Thanks to gryphius for reporting this issue)
  • Fixed Gmail POP3 issue
Version 3.2.1
Feb. 16, 2020

Fixed resolving of IP addresses in src field.
(Thanks to Martin Wright for reporting this issue)

Version 3.2.0
Dec. 28, 2019

Added support for Splunk 8.x and Python 3.x

Version 3.1.0
Sept. 23, 2018
  • Fixed connection reset errors for large IMAP mailboxes (Thanks to Mike Kolk for the patch)
  • Lowercase keys and values in policy_published and records (Thanks to Christopher G Andrews for reporting this issue)
  • Added field in configure screen to set batch size for IMAP inputs
Version 3.0.0
May 14, 2018

Upgrading from 2.x to 3.x

The event output format changed to JSON. This is the new default because JSON is a better match for the structured aggregate reports than a flat key=value (KV) format. See for example issue #4 on Github. If you want your inputs to to keep using the KV format:

  • Disable your inputs before upgrading
  • Upgrade the add-on to version 3.x
  • Edit your inputs and change the output format to KV
  • Enable your inputs

Note that KV format output is likely to be deprecated in future versions, and enhancements like multiple XSD validation aren't available in KV output format.


  • Added POP3 support
  • Added initial DKIM signature checking
  • Added validations against multiple XSDs
  • Added XSD validation results in a new field
  • Added JSON output to better preserve report structure, issue #4.
  • Lots of other small issues, see https://github.com/jorritfolmer/TA-dmarc/CHANGELOG.md
Version 2.1.1
Dec. 3, 2017
  • Added DMARC XML validation against DMARC XSD
  • Fixed reading reports with absolute paths from zip files. Thanks to Steve Myers for the bug report.
Version 2.0.1
Nov. 8, 2017
  • Removed forgotten use_ssl from schema following Splunk App Cert Admin review
Version 2.0.0
Nov. 6, 2017

Improved checkpointing:

  • Store individual records in KVstore instead of using a single serialized Python set.
  • Corrected misconfigured key in KVstore collection

Addressed concerns from Splunk Cert Admin:

  • enforced use of TLS for IMAP input, by removing TLS checkbox
  • ensure tmp directories are always cleaned up, by using try finally for both directory and imap inputs
  • ensure the add-on won't write outside of splunk designated directories by implementing KVstore checkpointing for DMARC directory inputs instead of using file ops to bad/, done/ or tmp/ dirs.

Because of the changes to KVstore logic, the add-on will re-index every report on IMAP, leading to duplicate events.

Version 1.2.1
Oct. 10, 2017
  • Corrected issues from Splunk Cert Admin feedback
Version 1.2.0
Oct. 9, 2017

Added non-multipart support for mail messages on IMAP

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