With Splunk 6.5, we are introducing a new type of dataset called table datasets, or tables.
Use the Splunk Datasets Add-on to create, edit and analyze tables.
Create tables: Build and curate sophisticated tables using an interaction-based UI, and without any need to learn or write SPL.
Edit tables: Filter events, edit field values, add fields from lookups and other sources, perform statistical data aggregations, and more.
Analyze tables: The Table Editor provides a "Summarize Fields" view, which displays a variety of analytical details about the fields in your table. You can see top value distributions, null value percentages, numeric value statistics, and more. Open datasets in Pivot to analyze their data and translate their contents into visualization-rich reports and dashboard panels.
Tables and the Table Editor are seamlessly integrated into version 6.5 when you install the Splunk Datasets Add-on.
For Splunk Datasets Add-On documentation go here.
To view a short demo go here.
After installation, the Splunk Datasets Add-on does not appear as a separate app in the Apps menu.
See the Splunk Datasets Add-on documentation for more installation information.
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